Jon Bruner writes: I hope all's well! I enjoyed meeting you during OSCON last year and talking about your work with sensors and Federated Wiki. My colleague Adam Flaherty (cc'd here) is putting together an open-source hardware showcase for OSCON this year, and your project came to mind. Do you think you might be interested in demoing your work in the OSCON showcase?
Ward presents in the H/W Showcase. Photo by Jon Bruner.
Mike Loukides
Jon Bruner
Adam Flaherty
O'Reilly proposal workflow. site
We demonstrate a new paradigm of physical device control based on low latency channels between small interpreters. We'll show applications including blinking lights, sound synthesis, and, analog data capture and display.
A small AVR processor hosts an interpreter of lower-case letters to mean instructions like i for input, o for output. These stream in over a flow-controlled USB channel from a host computer. The p for print command returns tightly synchronized output to the host. This language is called Txtzyme.
A small Node.js processor implements an i/o multiplexor as a federated wiki server-side plugin. This relays input and output between the the USB channel and a dynamically constructed WebSocket to the client-side plugin, also called Txtzyme.
The client-side plugin adds a new device control markup to the polyglot federated wiki where upper-case words make event handlers from primitive words like SECOND or MINUTE and all of the lower-case control language that are forwarded to the AVR processor as events happen.
Target market:
Open Science
Windows based per-instrument control panels.
Instrument setups are intrinsically shared. Federated wiki reserves just enough rights to each instance to enforce administrative policy.
Notes to Organizers:
Txtzyme on the AVR was a one-year investigation of micro-interpreters that yielded a dozen successful projects for the Portland chapter of Dorkbot.
Txtzyme in federated wiki is one of many experiments created to demonstrate the unique data-handling possibilities opened by my work as Nike's open-data fellow.
Both efforts have been open since the beginning and are in use today but applied well below their potential. There is no company here. My participation in OSCON would be a gift to the community.
Please confirm that you have received this acceptance and can demo your device at OSCON, Tuesday, July 22 and Wednesday, July 23, 2014 in Portland, Oregon by clicking on the link at the bottom of this email.
*NOTE:* Keep in mind that SESSIONS are Tuesday through Thursday. In exchange for your participation, you will receive two (2) complimentary 3-Day passes to OSCON. You will need to register via oscon,com for your 3-Day pass with the use of this code: XXXX.
For any registration questions, please contact Patrick Dirden,
To send us your response, please click on this link:
Invoice. oreilly
Repeat demo for New Relic.
Return surplus supplies to Paul.